
Volunteer Member Organizers do vital work for unions and we wanted to celebrate all of our Council 36 VMOs with a VMO Appreciation Day.

After refusing to settle for less than they deserve, AFSCME Local 1895 members secure a fair contract with the City of Lawndale.

On Saturday, April 13, AFSCME District Council 36 held an amazing new steward training with more than 50 members from over a dozen different locals unions.

On June 1, AFSCME Local 2229 with ABC Unified School District held a picket.

The purpose of the picket was to draw attention to the fact that the School Board refuses to recognize our members in the same way that they recognize teachers.

The District’s teachers received a $4,000 bonus, while initially our members were offered nothing.

Our members just want to be recognized for their hard work and receive their fair share. Throughout the pandemic, Local 2229 members took on extra tasks to help keep the students, teachers, and parents safe.

Congratulations to Local 609 members! In 2019, employees at Public Counsel voted overwhelmingly to join AFSCME District Council 36. Now, two years later, they have ratified their first contract.

The members of Local 609 began negotiating last year, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, that did not stop them from negotiating a strong first contract.

Contact: Tony Bellardo
President, AFSCME Local 2229
(562) 215-8546

Congratulations to AUHSD's Adrian Prieto, HVAC technician, who was named an Orange County Classified School Employee of the Year!

Representing the Skilled Trades category, Adrian Prieto is a heating ventilation and air conditioning, or HVAC, technician in the Anaheim Union High School District. As an HVAC technician, Prieto is directly responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all HVAC units at four of the district’s largest school sites — that’s a total of more than 380 units.

Members of AFSCME Local 127 have agreed to a two-year contract with the City of San Diego, with 87 percent of voters voting ‘yes’ for ratification.

Join us on Thursday, May 13 at 6PM for our next Political & Legislative Action Committee meeting. This meeting will focus on CA state legislation. RSVP here:

On Friday, April 30, 2021, AFSCME Local 685 Member DSO Michael Wall, a loving father and brother, who was a 14-year veteran of the L.A. County Probation Department, was on duty at Central Juvenile Hall. Shortly after physically restraining a youth who led a group attack on another minor, DSO Wall went in pursuit of two youth involved in the assault. The youth ran out the classroom and into the open field in front of the school.